2024 Campaign Priorities
Affordable Housing + Responsible Growth
Skyrocketing housing costs in Ann Arbor have contributed to our region becoming the 8th most economically segregated in the nation. We need housing that is affordable for everyone -- long-time residents and those trying to build a life here-- to be an inclusive, diverse community. Development must serve everyone and be complemented by a robust transportation system. Development should reflect our values, fund our priorities, enhance our community, and promote a unique sense of place.
Environmental Stewardship
Climate change is the greatest threat of our lifetime. We can't fix it alone, but Ann Arbor must do its part and City Hall has to lead. We need leaders willing to innovate, engage in evidence-based decision making, listen to technical experts, and closely monitor progress towards our ambitious 2030 carbon neutrality goals. More severe and frequent storms require that we are incredible thoughtful about stormwater management, as we balance needs for more housing growth in the City. And we must be strong stewards of the environment, preserving natural features, and protecting the safety of our water supply.
Exceptional City Services + Good Governance
Transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility are paramount to building a strong foundation of trust. I have worked hard to communicate regularly with residents through my bi-monthly Ward newsletter and regular Ward meetings. My goal is to make it easy for you to understand the workings of your local government, so you can tell me when an issue arrises that is important to you. I have fought on your behalf to improve the delivery of city services and to be your advocate in City Hall.